Saturday, March 23, 2013

Another Update!

Wow! Here it is 2013 - March 23 - and I am finally getting a round tuit! If you can figure out what I just wrote then you're in the right place!
Here's the latest info.
We recently completed a 2 week (almost) cruise in the Caribbean and are still getting over it!
Suzie (my Better Half) also was in New York (@ the UN) as a delegate to an International Women's Conference on Peace Issues.
I have been presenting a Jazz Blog on Spreaker Radio which showcases Australian Jazz Bands and compositions! The next show (#9) will hopefully be posted tomorrow! Look for OPTT #9!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

18 months later!

Wow! It has been that long. I'm shocked.
Since I last posted we have moved from New York to Greater London in the UK.
I'm working as a teacher doing supply work at various schools around London.

I've put a couple of new Jazz shows on the web and the links are as follows:

Have a listen and let me know what you think.

The theme as always is Aussie bands and musicians playing Trad/Dixieland Jazz.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Almost a Year!

G'day folks,
Yes - it's almost a year since my last entry, and a lot of things have happened since then.
We've relocated to da Bronx! I'm teaching in Manhattan! Her indoors is currently in New Mexico (although she'll be back in San Diego tonight), and generally speaking, we're happy on the east coast.

There are two editions now of my AussieDixieland jazz programme 'Oh Play That Thing!' up on the web. Just go to and have a listen. If you like it then why not subscribe? If you don't like it, then please leave me a message at and say what you'd like changed. The OPTT blog will hopefully be updated about every two weeks, so look for edition #3 about the middle of June.

That's all for now.

Aussie Mike

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Still Here!

G'day folks,
It's been a while I know but in the words of Arnie - I'm Baaack!

Actually I lost contact with my iBook for a while and hard real problems getting it up and running again. Talk about costly! Phew!
Anyway - back to the music!
Had a lovely message this morning (early) from John and Pam from Alicante in Spain.
Seems John had heard Graeme Bell playing back in the 50's and he especially liked the tune 'The Dog Sit's On The Tucker-Box'. It's a great tune especially played in a dixieland style and I'm pretty sure I have it in my collection. If not by the Bell brothers then perhaps by someone like Steve Waddell's Creole Bells Band. I'll certainly include it in the next update of my playlist. And that should be very soon!
Thanks John and Pam for the suggestion!
BTW watch out in Alicante for a couple of Senior Cits who may be heading your way this summer! Keep a bottle of Sangria on ice for us!
That's all for today folks - TTFN!

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

She's Back! Hurrah!

Yep - the LOML has returned!
Actually LOML came back last Thursday, but it's taken me this long to get around to noting it.
Seriously, I do miss her when she's not home.

On another note:
Went last night to an event at GWU in DC. All about what Bush & Co. are doing to this country. Great speakers and some frightening news. At least Bolton's gone!
I just don't understand how the Dems can seriously consider not beginning impeachment proceedings against Bush and Cheney! If we don't start it immediately the Congress resumes, they will get off scot free!


Monday, November 27, 2006

Monday Blues

Well not really Blues, just feeling a little lonesome as the love of my life has gone to the big apple for a few days. Wish I could go with her! While she's busy with her Gen. Research I could go to Rockefeller Centre and maybe try ice-skating! LOL!

More about - watch out this week for a new program starting Friday! More Aussie performers including some you may have never heard before.
When you listen don't forget to make a comment or send me an email
You can do that straight from the broadcast web-site.

Let me know what you think of the show.

Also watch out for pictures on this blog of some of the featured performers on the program.

Cheers, mates!

Friday, November 24, 2006

AussieDixieland Radio program

Here's a little more on my program on

The program has been running now since late April 2006 and features numbers played entirely by Australian Jazz Bands and performers. Notable among the performers is ragtime pianist John Gill - no, not the John Gill of San Francisco, but the English-born Australian ragtime piano player and composer who lives in Perth, West Australia.
If you're visiting Perth you'll more than likely see John in the Murray Street Mall in downtown Perth, pushing his upright piano from spot to spot where he'll play ragtime to entertain the passing public.
John is a regular visiting performer at the Scott Joplin Ragtime Festival in the USA and at other Jazz Festivals across the US.