Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Still Here!

G'day folks,
It's been a while I know but in the words of Arnie - I'm Baaack!

Actually I lost contact with my iBook for a while and hard real problems getting it up and running again. Talk about costly! Phew!
Anyway - back to the music!
Had a lovely message this morning (early) from John and Pam from Alicante in Spain.
Seems John had heard Graeme Bell playing back in the 50's and he especially liked the tune 'The Dog Sit's On The Tucker-Box'. It's a great tune especially played in a dixieland style and I'm pretty sure I have it in my collection. If not by the Bell brothers then perhaps by someone like Steve Waddell's Creole Bells Band. I'll certainly include it in the next update of my playlist. And that should be very soon!
Thanks John and Pam for the suggestion!
BTW watch out in Alicante for a couple of Senior Cits who may be heading your way this summer! Keep a bottle of Sangria on ice for us!
That's all for today folks - TTFN!

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