Saturday, March 23, 2013

Another Update!

Wow! Here it is 2013 - March 23 - and I am finally getting a round tuit! If you can figure out what I just wrote then you're in the right place!
Here's the latest info.
We recently completed a 2 week (almost) cruise in the Caribbean and are still getting over it!
Suzie (my Better Half) also was in New York (@ the UN) as a delegate to an International Women's Conference on Peace Issues.
I have been presenting a Jazz Blog on Spreaker Radio which showcases Australian Jazz Bands and compositions! The next show (#9) will hopefully be posted tomorrow! Look for OPTT #9!

1 comment:

aussiemike said...

Yet another note! I didn't get to do OPTT #9 yet as my iPad seized up! I'll be off to the Apple store in the morning to see if they can help.
Also next weekend we'll be in Sacramento so may not be able to do OPTT #10 then.